
Edward Walter Furlong began his career with the role of John Connor in what turned out to be one of the the biggest box-office hits of the 1990s, “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”. For his career-starting role, Furlong earned an MTV movie award for best breakthrough role, and a Saturn Sci-Fi…more

Sometimes I use music to help me focus my writing. Less so with creative writing, as I find it more distracting than not but often with the kind of writing where I work on autopilot (hello, Technical Writing). That said, when I find myself having a hard time “getting into…more

Matthew Jackman has been a having a bad year. It’s about to get worse. Much, much worse. Starring Tim Holt and Christopher D. Houldsworth. Directed by Michael Babbitt, this is part of The Endless Whispers Cycle.…more

Two pages from a discarded manuscript by Matthew Jackman entitled “Lamprey.” Copyright©2012. An accompanying letter of rejection from publisher Burke & Shoomacher.…more