W. Scott Parker III (Bobby, Huckleberry) is known for his staring roles in “September” (winner of three film festivals) and “The Polar Bear Club”. He is very pleased to be working with Director Michael Babbitt again! Scott received critical acclaim for his role of Jefferson in Ted Lange’s play “Four Queens – No Trump”.  He has appeared in over 100 plays and films, working with directors including George Clooney, Giancarlo Esposito, and Derrick Borte.  He is humbled to have been a part of independent films such as “Box Brown”, “The Carrington Event”, and The Watch.  Scott studied acting with Director Andrew Lane of the Roy London School.  He taught skiing at Keystone Colorado and continues to be an avid skier.  He thanks his beautiful wife, Danette, for her support.


Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Parker_(actor)